• What if you could let go of the pressure...

and be more creative & efficient? 

• What if you didn’t have to dread every meeting...

But were excited to share your new ideas

• What if you didn’t have to quit your job to stop feeling burnt out?

Maybe you...

• Have felt STUCK in the same routine. 

• Waking up and going to work in the same stressful environment 

• Continue to put out the same fire every week 

...While everyone else seems to be able to turn off their phone at 6 pm (how do they do that??) and magically be present at home.

But what if you didn’t have to START ALL OVER AGAIN at a new company to get rid of this stress?? 

...If you didn’t have to change careers? 

...If you could alleviate your burnout & stress and keep this career that you have worked so hard to get?? 

What if you got to OWN YOUR TIME AGAIN?

You have heard it before...

• Set better boundaries

• Stop taking this so seriously

• Just “let it go”.

It's supposed to “help you” from being burnt out & stressed, but what that doesn’t do is recognize everything else you are feeling pressure from.

Women experience burnout differently- so you need someone who isn’t going to put you through as a “cog in the machine”.

1 year ago I wasn’t sure how to change the feeling of overbearing stress that never seemed to go away.

By utilizing this strategy I have not only worked through large portions of my burnout but I have helped other women find relief WITHOUT quitting their jobs.  

This course on burnout includes:

  • Specialized meditations & visualizations targeted to heal burnout
  • Progressive goal setting
  • Intention building in your goals, work & life
  • Going deeper than simple “work stress”
  • Accountability 
  • Advanced Communication understanding
  • Fears Amplifiers
  • Wilderness planning & executing of skills
  • 1:1 weekly coaching sessions

...and more

Introducing: Burnout Root Cause Course

Hi! I’m Marisa.

Burnout coach, wilderness expert & founder of Grounding Source.

In the last year I have gone from full-on breakdowns- stressed, burnt out & feeling like “life is just like this” to….

  • fully completing my stress cycle
  • communicating with love & intention with my husband 
  • Reconnecting to the power of the wilderness & nature
  • feeling fully excited about what the universe is sending my way

Now, I have turned my entire step-by-step strategy into a do-it-yourself-supported online Burnout Root Cause Course. 

The Burnout Root Cause Course is a 6-week *supported online course where you will go from being burnt out on “self-care” practices to…

  • Understanding the root cause of your burnout
  • Knowing how stress sits in your body
  • Loving your relationships again
  • Rocking your meetings
  • Having action steps that curate empowerment

*optional weekly 45-minute burnout coaching session with Marisa

Choose a Pricing Option

By the end of this course you will have:

  • Set up habits & goals that won’t burn you out
  • Established healthy, flexible boundaries
  • Deepened your understanding of your stress & relationships
  • An understanding of how you communicate & if it helping you get what you want
  • Have a step by step guide to wilderness skills

Who is this course for??

✔︎ Entrepreneurs 

✔︎ Marketing & Sales professionals

✔︎ Lawyers

✔︎ Doctors

✔︎ Nurses 

✔︎ Stay at home mom’s 

✔︎ Teachers

...anyone who is sick of being burnt out & stressed all the time.

FAQ & Contact

When does this course start? Upon purchase, you will have immediate access to the course

What if I don’t want the 1:1 portion? 1:1 coaching calls are completely optional.

When do I have access to 1:1 coaching? You have the first 6-weeks after purchasing the course available to you to sign up for 1:1 coaching sessions.

Do I have forever access? Yes, you will have access to the course forever.

I’m not sure if I’m burnt out or not, is this still for me? YES! If you are looking to improve your communication, relationships or simply dive deeper into yourself this course is for you!

What is the wilderness skills portion like? Every week we go into a new wilderness skill that will help you to be able to feel comfortable going camping on your own. Each skill is also set up to relate to the therapeutic skill that you learn in that lesson.

What is the time commitment? The combined time for each week is approximately 30-60 minutes with the optional 45-minute coaching call.

Have Questions??

Send an email to [email protected]


"The work I've done towards my goal has been incredibly helpful in helping me feel more balanced and happy! I've enjoyed the progression of the deep dive each week. I love how we began reflecting on our most content version of ourselves and have taken baby steps towards being that person. I'm excited to spend some time thinking about communication and boundaries and how that aligns with who I am and who I want to be. "


"My favorite part is the visualizations! They're so calming and soothing and really help ground me and set the intention for the lesson."


"I was feeling nervous that I wouldn't have enough time to feel like I'm committing to the course. I was wrong- it was easy. I was excited about the mix of tangible hands-on learning about furthering my outdoor and backpacking knowledge mixed with intangible self-work (which is my favorite)"